Executive Search for Finance Executives

The deep technical expertise within Finance, the wide network of relationship, the consistent evaluation of Executives’ competences and the founding partners’ leadearship of every step of the process guarantee successful hiring and the delivery of a work based on excellence, assertiveness of profiles and, of course, the respect for the human being.



acting as headhunters specialized in leadership positions wthin Finance

+ Of 15 .000 K

Financial professionals interviewed


Finance professionals hired


processes finished after the delivery of the 1st shortlist


is the NPS in a survey given by both clients and candidates


is the average grade given by both candidates and clients

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    No novo episódio da série "5 Perguntas para o CFO" deste mês, receberemos Carlos Alberto de Moura, Vice-Presidente de Finanças e RI da Raízen, que compartilhará conosco seus maiores desafios na função e suas principais perspectivas sobre a carreira na área financeira. Não perca!

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