Assetz’s essential goal is to consolidate itself as one of the main references in the recruitment and selection of Finance Executives in Brazil; its essence is the unceasing search for the complete satisfaction of clients and candidates, providing customized services and solutions with the highest quality standards to meet established deadlines, always in accordance with its goals and values; and lastly, Assetz’s purpose is to contribute actively to the career development of Financial professionals and the strengthening of the Brazilian job market.
Moreover, Assetz believes in Brazil’s potential, quality of our professionals and countless opportunities that can be created here. It comprehends the essential role of work in the development and evolution of Brazil. And it also believes the more technologic the world becomes, the more appreciated human relations will be, and that a company’s greatest asset is human capital.
Assetz’s decisions are made impartially and free from any bias, regardless its nature. Its founding partners, professionals, and business partners, cherish not only the courtesy and promptness, but also the following values:
Construction of a candid, responsible, and based on trust relationships with all its stakeholders, always fulfilling the commitments assumed and offering an effective service.
Dignified and ethical work in its professional relations, defending the intellectual honesty and rejecting any shade of fraud or corruption.
Constant improvement, seeking to innovate and care for technical quality of its services, sharing knowledge and valuing the consistency, the depth, the accuracy, and the confidentiality.
Respect for the human being
Non-negotiable respect for the human being in all situations, considering his/her yearnings, expectations, and frustrations, besides the unceasing intolerance before any type of discrimination.